This week's topic is "Mail" suggested by Marci Senders (http://www.marcisenders.typepad.com/ ).
"It seems a long time since the morning mail could be called correspondence." ~ Jacques Barzun
Bud= MessageBudstikke, en stav av tre eller jern, som fra gammel tid ble benyttet i Norden til offentlige kunngjøringer. Når folk skulle samles til ting, forsvar av landet eller andre viktige fellestiltak, ble budstikker båret fra gård til gård med beskjed om dette. Budstikken hadde form av en pil (hærpil) når den varslet ufred og skulle samle mannskap; skulle almuen samles i anledning av en kirkelig sak, sendte presten en budstikke som hadde form av et kors. I nyere tid bestod budstikken av en hylse av tre eller metall som det skrevne budskap ble lagt ned i, og den var forsynt med en jernpigg, så den kunne hugges fast ved døren i hus hvor bæreren ikke traff folk hjemme.
Dette viktige budbringersystemet var regulert ved en rekke detaljerte lovbestemmelser. Den rute som skulle følges, var nøyaktig foreskrevet; forsømmelse ble straffet med bøter. Ennå Christian 5s Norske Lov (1687) har regler for ombringelse av budstikke. I løpet av 1700-tallet ble det mer og mer vanlig med lysing av viktige meldinger fra prekestol eller kirkebakke, men enkelte steder i Norge var budstikken i bruk til slutten av 1800-tallet. I Sverige ble budstikke kalt budkavle.
Stikke= Stick
God jul til dere alle!
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Translated by google:
Budstikke a pole of wood or iron, which from ancient times was used in Scandinavia to public announcements. When people would gather to things, the defense of the country or other important public measures, the fiery carried from farm to farm with a message. Fiery had the shape of an arrow (hærpil) when it announced strife and would gather the crew, were the common people gathered on the occasion of a religious matter, sent a priest who had Budstikke the form of a cross. In recent times, consisted of a fiery bush of wood or metal that the written message was put in, and it was fitted with an iron spike, so it could cut down firmly at the door of the house where the carrier did not hit people at home.
This important system was regulated by a number of detailed legal provisions. The route that was followed was exactly prescribed; misconduct was punished by fines. Yet Christian 5s Norwegian Law (1687) have rules of Budstikke. In the course of the 1700s it became more and more common hake of important messages from the pulpit or church ground, but some places in Norway was fiery in use until the end of the 1800s. In Sweden, Budstikke called budkavle.
Kilde/source: http://www.snl.no/budstikke
Thank you for teaching me something I did not know before. Have to admit, that it has been years since last I wrote with a fountain pen ...
SvarSlettPlease have you all a good Sunday.
daily athens
Tusen Tack för din hälsning på min blogg.
SvarSlettJa nu är det datorn och mobilen som vi skickar hälsningar och meddelanden genom.
Men visst är det roligare att få ett brev eller kort.
Ha en riktigt fin och glädjefull JUL och ett GOTT NYTT ÅR.
How nice to receive Christmas greetings from you! Hope you and your loved ones are enjoying all the blessings of the season! :o)
SvarSlettHello! I love that there's a message/lesson to your illustration. Thank you! Happy holidays to you et al!
SvarSlettAnd I laughed with Google translator... Your English is perfect, but your Norwegian translate into English through Google... a bit difficult to figure out. Guess you'll have to communicate in English. Ho ho ho and stay safe!
Merry Christmas! I love learning new things. Well, I guess Budstikke is an old thing :) Nice visual to go with the story too!
SvarSlettOh, very interesting! And a wonderful image too. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
SvarSlettThank-you for that interesting information and for the very well done illustration to go with it!
SvarSletti just wrote on your other blog about Julenisse :))
SvarSlettwhat a sweet image and happy Christmas to youuuu!!!!
kisses hugs
Merry Christmas!