mandag 9. januar 2017

Summary BNYW 2017

Anja behind the blog Hassumbudeia was walking New Year´s Day. It must have been a wonderful walk in a lovely countryside near the water in perfect "turvær" (outdoorweather) with magical light. Especially the large pebbles on the shoreline create an evocative landscape that I am fascinated by. Crude and harsh!
She is very enthusiastic about the idea of going for a walk "simultaneously" with other bloggers, but it was a fairly lonely walk that day. Only Anja and I reported that we have walked!
See more photos from Anja´s walk here.

Thank you for walking, Anja!

Anja bak bloggen Hassumbudeia ble med på tur første nyttårdag. Det må ha vært en fantastisk tur i nydelig landskap ved vannet i perfekt turvær med trolsk lys. Særlig de store rullesteinene i fjæra skaper et stemningsfullt landskap som jeg er fascinert av. Rått og barskt! 
Ho er veldig entusiastisk over ideén med å gå tur "samtidig" med andre bloggere, men nå ble det en nokså ensom tur denne dagen. Bare Anja og jeg har rapportert om at vi har gått!
Se flere bilder fra turen til Anja her.
Takk for at du gikk tur, Anja!

Ramblingwood ´s Michelle joined walking on January 4. She shot with her camera some beautiful birds in the cold. The birds are so delicate and fragile, sitting by their own, unprotected. We can feel the touched! Thank you for walking Michelle. Watch her post!

Michelle bak Ramblingwood ble med på gåtur 4. januar. Ho tok bilder av noen vakre fugler i kulda. Fuglene er så sarte og skjøre, der de sitter helt alene, ubeskytta. Vi føler ømhet for dem... bli grepet!
Se posten hennes!

Ikke mange fant mulighet til å gå på tur denne første uka i det nye året. Sykdom og andre uventa gjøremål har gjort det vanskelig, men alle får en ny sjanse søndag 29. januar, så bli med da dere som har lyst.
Alexa glemte å melde fra om turen sin. En helt fantastisk bildeserie fra snørike Romania.Det er til å bli "hvit" av misunnelse av .... hvor blir det av det snødekte landskapet vårt? Alexa har skapt en fantastisk collage av bilder.

Alexa forgot to report her walk. An absolutely stunning burst from snowy Romania. This makes me "white" of envy .... where are the snowy landscapes in Scandinavia gone ? She has created a fantastic collage of photos.

My comments on her blog Gând Călător:
Heisann, great, great, great Alexa! Thanks a lot for your wonderful BNYW- documentation! You have all the snow I miss. We usually have snow here during the winder, last week snowflakes fell, but melted and disappeared the day after. We are used to snow and it is very strange to have green fields in January.

You have taken a lot of marvellous shoots and I think  many people had fun in the snow, many old people might not overcome the cold ... that´s the sad story! Have more nice days ;:OD)

This photo reminds me of the winter scene paintings by the impressionists  I presented my students in the art history lesson today:

Only three bloggers and I had the opportunity to walk during this first week of the new year. Illness and unexpected tasks made it difficult for the rest who said they wanted to/planned to walk, but everybody gets a second chance Sunday January 29, so those who fancy Blogger´s Sunday Walk, join ....

PS IF there are more bloggers that joined BNYW 2017, let me know by telling me in the comment window below DS

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg er med når jeg kan, elsker å gå tur, men ikke alltid det passer hvis det gjelder bare spesielle søndager. Andre turer gjelder vel ikke? Hvis jeg legger dette ut på egen blogg, hvordan får du det over til deg? Er ikke veldig flink på dette tekniske.
    Vakker tur som vises her. Hilsen Tove

  2. Glad to read your summary and see pictures, as well! Hope you'll have snow in your beautiful area, soon!
    Thank you very much, dear friend! It happened so nice to snow, in these first days of the New Year and to be possible for me to make this long walk, despite the cold and harsh meteorologic conditions. It heavy snowed, but I took more than 270 photo instants to capture the beauty of this special event. Just to have a remembrance, over the years, of this fine day. Why, I call it special? It's such a long period of time since I haven't seen a white winter like in my childhood years and that it means the end of '70-'80, till to the '90. Now, it is really too cold with freezing temperatures that brought to severe hard times for so many people around the world who were experienced this challenging weather. A weather absolutely confusing due to the climate change, I guess. I watched at tv and have seen lots of reports, documentaries and comments regarding the forecast, the climate change and the relation with the local weather changing. But after all of these, we must be/remain positive.
    Once again, I thank you for the invitation and i'm glad that I had the chance to join your BSW. Hopefully, if it will be possible and I'll continue to show some more of these wintry aspects in the next posts. Till then best regards.


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