I´m not home for the moment, but Blogger´s Sunday Walk for the new year i still going on... Do like all these people did yesterday....
Document your walk on your blog and give me a comment in this blog´s window.
Have a nice experience! I will have mine!
I´m back from my New Year´s visit at Sørumsand, and we are soon going out for a walk!
I asked my sister to join Spot and me for å short walk in the darkness. This is a stilleben beside her door.
Spot enjoyed our company, but he was scared because of all the lights and bangs from leftover fireworks!
The moon and some stars were shining - and we met some people walking on the path. This is a traditional day for walking in Norway... but usually we walk in the daylight.
Some people had their new years "skål" in the forrest and left the empty bottle on this stump!
Jeg må ærlig innrømme at dette har jeg glemt. Blir mer aktiv etterhvert!
SvarSlettEn god 1. nyttårsdag ønskes av Tove
Jeg sitter her og venter på mobil og kamerabatteri er ferdig oppladet, så bærer det ut på tur.
SvarSletthappy new year
Litt fra dagens tur (og litt til).