Somewhere else on my blog, I have the name of this flower, but I can´t find the post just now. I remember that it was something like dove beak or duenebb, in Norwegian, but there is no hit on these words! They flower in my garden from late september... and still do!

OBS I had a mistake, wrong animal and wrong piece of the body!!!!! ... The name is turtle head....
Chelone obiqua in Latin. Here is the previous post!

Väldigt vacker färg. Ha en fin helg!
SvarSlettDen er veldig fin og blomstrer sent og godt:)
SvarSlettHaven´t seen this plant before but it looks faszinating! Wonderful shots!
SvarSlettGorgeous macro, delightful flowers. What a rich and happy colour to share.
SvarSlettahh, I can imagine a turtles head peeking out through the center. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)
SvarSlettIt's very delicate!
SvarSlettvilken färg! Vackert. :)
SvarSlettHave never seen this flower! Beautiful:) Have a great weekend!