lørdag 2. august 2014

Pasjonsblomster/passion flowers

I have always loved these flowers, but had no idea of how many different sorts there are... till I read a magazine story of a nursery which specializes in passionflowers.
My photos are taken at Punta Prima in Spain.

There are more than 500 species and between 650-750 passiflora cultivars!

Next year some of them will grow in my garden, I hope.

Above: P. Curiosa
Belove: P. Amethyst

Anyone who are willing to send me some seeds of any passion flora?

4 kommentarer:

  1. Passionsblommor är helt underbara. Jag hade ingen aning om att det fanns så många olika. Ha en skön weekend!

  2. Marvelous post! I enjoyed your photos very much. I have never seen all these varieties of the Passion flower. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing once again with Today's Flowers. Your support is very much appreciated.

  3. Utrolige blomster! Ganske greie å så, men jeg ga opp for planten ble altfor diger...

  4. Passionflowers are so beautiful! Wonderful photos!


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