I got an invitation from Laura: If you haven't already, I do hope you'll send me something for the gratitude quilt this year. No actual quilting involved… just words of gratitude from your heart, in your native language is fine.
Here´s my contribution!
Så mange hjerter, det varmer langt inn i sjelen. Vi har så mye å være takknemlige for, vi som bor i frie land der alle betyr like mye, der ingen naturkatastrofer rammer oss.. og vi får nok mat hver dag, har en deilig seng å sove i og dem vi er glade i, er rundt oss.
Google transtaion
The students quilted, and we had a socializing that meant a lot to each of us.
This project was inspired of artwork made by the Austrian painter Hundertwasser who had his "glansdager" in the beginning of the eighties.
I have my pieces of ordinary quitting stored, so next year I will have the works packed up from their boxes place in the attic and then present a west I made to wear for Christmas.
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