søndag 21. juli 2019
Blogger´s Sunday Walk - the coming Sunday, hope you join!
Welcome to join Blogger´s Sunday Walk next Sunday. The "walk" is celebrating nine years in October! But for the first time using InLinkz. My time to make a summary of all BSW-posts is passed.
For those who are unknown to BSW, please read about the challenge below the tab on my blog Vilt og vakkert.
Previous posts you can find under Etiketter/Labels!
More news: There will be a task connected to each walk corresponding to the present season. This task will be announced on Monday in the beginning of the week. BSW Summer 2019 task is to take a macro-photo of a stone!
Everyone can suggest the task for the next BSW- Autumn, as well.
The picture-icon for the BWS Summer was taken some years ago in Lofoten, Norway.
Jeg vet faktisk ikke hva et macro-photo er. Er det et stort bilde? Hva skal gjøres med dette bildet? Er jeg kanskje litt dum?! Hilsen Tove
SvarSlettPS. Håper jeg får gått en tur neste søndag.
Heisann Tove, ikke greit med disse faguttrykkene, men det betyr ekstremt nærbilde, verre er det ikke ;:OD)