
søndag 8. januar 2017

BNYW to the end

I walked this morning without my mobil, with camera without card, this means I have no documentation. Both issues I left by the computer at home. 

Hope this will never happen again, and I hope that some of you have some contributions for today´s walk.
Walking during the week has been extremely low in number.
My walk this morning was lovely, nothing spesial happened, but a saw a lot of fallen trees, cut by beavers. Next walk will be an expedition to find where the beavers make their homes in Glomma river...
My second walk: 
This afternoon the traditional Christmas tree party took place at school. I walked to my job to meet my grandchildren, daughter in law and son. I passed the skating rink, the graveyard where my grandparents are barried, the Mollin Rouge, and finally came to the Centro of the school.

Tid for Juletrefesten med stor forbokstav!
The party is of a kind for children to remember for a lifetime.The kids craft toy cars, make cake figurines and stock sausages! 

Finally singing and dancing round the Christmas tree and waiting for the "julenisse"!

And my last walk tonight, the moon is shining  above an outdoor Christmas tree!

Please, give me a comment on this post if you have walked today ... or not!

3 kommentarer:

  1. I know very well... it's me although happened .

    Wish you a happy New Year!

  2. Such great aspects captured; nice events and happenings, as well! A wonderful week ahead!

  3. I remembered that I haven't put the link
    A lovely week!


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