
søndag 18. desember 2016

Preparing Blogger´s New Years Walk!

 A little, nice Christmas tree is standing just 
where our walk starts behind the white barn.

We will arrange an extraordinary walk, Blogger´s New Years Walk during the first week of January, starting on Sunday the first!  - I have no Mr. Linky, that is also a conscious decision!
We go on.... I wear BSW´s colorful cap during the winter time, see:

The occation for my walk today: Picking mosses and lichens for Christmas decorations.

A deer run fast down this cliff, and Spot sat off after the small animal, he came back when I called him, luckily!
Signs of bigger deers everywhere!

Funny mushrooms grow all over the place.

Spot is not a tough guy. He didn´t like to pass the dark forrest... and we had to turn to the left and find the path.
On the way back we past once again the place which was one of the locations for my film SPOR from year 2000. 
My students were actresses, and here they watch the fairies dancing on the water - the animated part.

This is the clearing in the wood where the girls danced old norse dances.

Soon home, the huge Christmas star from the city decoration shines between the branches...

2 kommentarer:

  1. Flotte bilder - flott lue!
    Jeg fikk en tovet lue i mange farger av min svigerdatter. Luen er fin, men jeg kler den ikke, men kanskje jeg skal bruke den på Bloggers Sunday Walk? God søndag ønskes av Tove

  2. Frisk og fin hue du bruka.
    Eg må visst til å tenke ut kva eg skal kle meg i når eg skal gå Nyttårsturer. Det er kjekt med noko fargerikt spm luse opp i terrenget :)

    God søndag frå Anne-Mari


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