
søndag 24. juli 2016

Blogger´s Sunday Walk 2 - Summer

The walk started from my home to the ferry which brought my friend and I to the Månefestival area! 

Many people had found their way to the fortified town. All kind of footwear, some suitable some not, were to be seen, but since I had to leave my camera by the entrance to the concert square, I had to use my mobile to document what I saw inside.

Sandals, sneackers, pumps, boots and bear footed... with and without socks...

And Melissa Horn gave a great concert, including the song from which I stole a strophe for using it in my speech to the student ahead of their finale completion.

Breaks in the garden of the military commander... picnic all over... 

... this is just one part of the garden. The lawn is decorated with flowers from the festival nursery,  growing in pots.

Festival program

The festival came to an end, and I picked up my camera which was taken care of by some students of mine working as voluntaries. A lot of rigging down was waiting to be done, like this light blue unicorn with the pink wagon!

In Norwegian this sign has a double meaning, impossible to translate. Here the ducks meet... it says. (dock=end)
The swans are going to sleep in the moat, so the docks. The little red house is made for them.

The festival has many aspects, one of them is to focus on the bees´ task and state, another fair trade and heathy food aso.

More to see here!

This is Anni´s contribution, please visit her blog. She was the only one who joined me on BSW Summer 2016!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Så flotte bilder du viser fra Månefestivalen! Det ser riktig så hyggelig ut, og såå fint vær! Ha en fin sommerkveld :)

  2. Himmel og hav for et blogginnlegg! Takk for at du tok oss med på Månefestivalen.
    Artige bilder av mange ubetenksomme deltagere. Ikke godt å gå med høye hæler her! Hilsen Tove.
    PS. Mitt innlegg denne gangen er om blomster. Kan tenke meg at det er noe for deg!

  3. Flotte bilder fra Månefestivalen, jeg var invitert med noen venner ned dit, men akk vi bygger på hytta så det gikk ikke. Blogger sunday gikk meg helt hus forbi denne gangen.
    Ha en fortsatt fin sommer


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