How gorgeous!
wow, gorgeous color and a beautiful sky shot. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!
Vemodig og vakkert.Flott bilde! Ha en riktig god helg :)
The cranes of man's technology silhouetted against the magnificence of nature's sunset is a wonderful contrast that one does not tire from. Kudos...
A great silhouette shot!
Hyggelig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en hilsen.Det setter jeg veldig pris på! Alle kommentarer vil godkjennes før publisering.
How gorgeous!
SvarSlettwow, gorgeous color and a beautiful sky shot. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!
SvarSlettVemodig og vakkert.Flott bilde! Ha en riktig god helg :)
SvarSlettThe cranes of man's technology silhouetted against the magnificence of nature's sunset is a wonderful contrast that one does not tire from. Kudos...
SvarSlettA great silhouette shot!