
lørdag 6. juni 2015

I remind you all

My time at the moment will still give no opportunity to respond all your nice comments, those who have been sent me the last month ... and even longer back in time...and those to be sent. Thank you so much!
In order to overcome some of my poor "follow-up", I will in this post line up the bloggers by names as I have a saving-list of bloggers waiting for greetings from me.
You all have great blogs that I often read with great interest. 
I will have to prioritize differently for some time in the near future. I still want to publish posts on my blog, several of them are already planned and some are part drafts waiting to be finished, so everyone is welcome to drop in to see the new material!
Please be patient!

One reason is I will become grandmother very soon to a little boy this time, may be within this weekend!
Another reason: New look, click 

and Spot who is a puppy, 3,5 month... needs much care...
This is some of my occupations for the moment!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Love the cute puppy! Congrats on becoming a grandmother, that is exciting news. Enjoy!

  2. Gratulerer med toerbarnebarn :)
    Mormorklem :)


Hyggelig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en hilsen.
Det setter jeg veldig pris på!
Alle kommentarer vil godkjennes før publisering.