
onsdag 5. november 2014

BSW Autum - summary

We were only four bloggers who attended the Blogger's Sunday Walk - Autumn the 26th of October. I'm not good at marketing, but I really think that such a positive step as a walking trip on the same day sharing what we experience with others, do not need to be reminded of neither to the east nor west, south nor north. 
Perhaps many people who are walking, do not know the program, because I'm sure there are many bloggers who are searching for good shoots or scenery in both good and bad weather. Incidentally, we have a statement in Norwegian as follows: 

Aldri dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær.
(Never bad weather, only bad clothing.) 

The four of us were Ingun, Lauri, Tove and me. 
We all walked in our local community. 
Ingun lives near Mjøsa, Norway's largest lake, with fertile fields along the east side. Some of the finest farms in our country are to be find here. Her photos are spectacular. She is a true BSW-walker!

Lauri took a short trip under a bright blue sky. Her photos have an interesting point of view...

I changed plans for my walk and went to a place I´ve never visited despite the fact that it is under two Norwegian mils from where I have lived all my life. The mansion has an incredible history that includes a murder of the yard master.

Tove´s photos are by accident, unfortunately, lost.

Next BSW will take place February 15th. 2015. You´re welcome to join us...

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