
lørdag 20. september 2014

On Thursday 1

Flowering in the Sculpture Park of Vigeland.

we had an excursion to Oslo with the students to see The Salong and The Statue Park of Vigeland.

Look closer...

Some of the artwork from the exhibition reminded me of work done by students, my son and myself -  back in time. Strange to discover! This I will offer a presentation each.

The roses in the park were gorgeous, but my lovely Louise Odier is also charming with all the drops like a broidery!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Vigelandsparken er flott. Der liker jeg å gå!
    Tar alltid med gjester fra utlandet dit.
    En flott helg ønskes av Tove.

  2. Vattendropparna är väldigt fina!

  3. Synes det var noe kjent..
    Og Louise er skjønn tidlig og sent!

  4. I enlarged the b&w art, and tried to merge the 2 sides with my eyes. The tiny details, don't want to give anything away, are fantastic. I like your wonderful OGR rose.

  5. Delightful tina flowers and the delicate lace edging of droplets on sour rose. Love the was zoo have captured the veil of water of the fountain.

  6. Marvelous photos, beautiful flowers. I was excited to see Vigeland Park again. My husband and I were there in June and had a marvelous time looking around. Your photos brought back great memories, thank you, and thank you for once again sharing with Today's Flowers.


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