
lørdag 12. juli 2014

Tall Ships Races opening

to be continued....

Some snacks while posting all the photos of today and the sun is setting!

The first sight from the top of the hill where i live.

Two students of mine were crew on one of the ships.

Dennis Storhøi, a famous actor, introduced the participants with a steady hand and a towering voice.

Samples of local plays and musicals were performed.

More ships are coming...

Both banks of the river Glomma are decorated with splendid sailing ships.

Foghorn with Richard, Tore and Jon were hired to sing seasongs/shanties on board Santa Maria Manuela of Portugal.

Popular sailors

People everywhere! Walking, standing, sitting, looking, talking - sharing impressions!

The international marked: 

A lot of goodies to be tempted by...

The ships will stay till Tuesday -  then leaving for Bergen.

Remember tomorrow: 

Write the comment in my window and link to your BSW Summer post.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vi så noe fra Fredrikstad og de flotte båtene på Dagsrevyen i dag. Så fint at været slo til! Kos dere!
    Hilsen Tove

  2. Häftiga båtar och mäktigt att vara med i starten, var i Göteborg när det gick därifrån Satt på en fiskebåt mitt i röra.
    Önskar dig en fin söndag
    karm Meta


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