
torsdag 26. juni 2014

Waiting for the rain

No rain has fallen since.... I don´t remember when... Today coulds with tunder and lightning passed in the distance... we seldom have this problem, leaves turn into red and yellow in June! And the lawn is "burned".

I prepare for a party in the garden next weekend... and my granddaughter would like to hide in this little Pippi-house my sister´s granddaughter used twenty years ago, but some poles are missing! I have repaired the broken ones.

One week to have everything fixed. Hope the roses will bloom wonderful then!

PS Det har aldri før regna så mye i Oslo som denne dagen. På én time falt det like mye som normalt i hele juni - og på Rølvsøy hølja det ned... det er de mørke skyene på bildet som ga den nedbøren!DS

7 kommentarer:

  1. Those clouds look ominous, but it must be hard to watch thunderclouds pass by when your garden is dying for a drink! You have an amazing view! fingers crossed for rain soon. Wendy x

  2. Gorgeous sky shots for SWF and beautiful floral shots also ~ Good luck with fixing the Pippi house fixed for your grand daughter ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Nydelig serie, perfekt for SWF!

  4. Glad you were able to fix the Pippi house and hope the roses bloom for the party. Lovely photos.
    JM, Illinois-U.S.A.

  5. Marvellous shots!

  6. Flotte bilder! Har du barnebarnet på besøk i denne helgen? Klart bøker med Pippi må leses. Tenker nok at du koser deg!
    Ha en fin, fin helg!

    Varm hilsen fra Eva

  7. Really an awesome sky. Those clouds look really threatening!


Hyggelig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en hilsen.
Det setter jeg veldig pris på!
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