
torsdag 1. mai 2014

Preparing for The Tall Ships Races

In July Tall Ships Races will sail from Harlingen to Bergen via Fredrikstad and be anchored here by the quay from Sat 12 to Tuesday 15.
I have currently measured the height of the clearance between the masts and sky as you can see! Everything is under control.

And FogHorn might sing for you during the stay. Their poster is to be seen on the wall at Galeien. Guess who the photographer is!

Join The Blogger´s Sunday Walk!
More information under the heading and on the right!
The web-side for Tall Ships Races

3 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely photos, great sky!

    My B&W Blog:

  2. Flotte bilder, perfekt himmel for det himmelske temaet!

  3. Love these tall ships...wish I could be there for the race.


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