
søndag 27. oktober 2013

Blogger´s Sunday Walk, Autumn

It is still raining outside, so I will walk in the afternoon... Please link your posts in the comment window.
Have a nice walk!

About six o´clock the rain stopped, but the darkness was complete caused wintertime was introduced for 2013 this very night. Needles on all watches in our part of the world were set one hour back in time.

After the rain...

The lupins still bloom!

Silence, the only sounds I heard were the wind whistling and the water trickling....  and I met nobody in the dark!

The water made the trunks glistened! 

A fence made of stones divides the old properties

 Colorful October is soon come to an end!

The orange light is obtained by the lights across the path.

And this is also my post for

7 kommentarer:

  1. Hei jeg har laget et innlegg i dag! Sola stakk så vidt frem så da bar det avsted.
    Her er link til mitt:

  2. Each and everyone of these images are really beautiful. You have captured the shiny surfaces and rich so well. If only I had have taken my camera with me yesterday...I went for a walk around the Opera House and Sydney Harbour....Perhaps I could take some pics today since it is 27th still in some countries.
    Thanks for sharing on MoM#65:)

  3. UUps
    Må ta med min egen søndagsvandring, ikke lang, men likevel.
    Flott tur.

  4. Det var bara vackra bilder av hösten. Jag förstår hur det kan vara orange söndag :).

  5. Gikk glipp av søndagsturen denne gangen! Holdt på i hagen til regnet kom, og så i drivhuset i timesvis.
    Nydelig stemning i bildene!


Hyggelig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en hilsen.
Det setter jeg veldig pris på!
Alle kommentarer vil godkjennes før publisering.