
søndag 25. august 2013

Nok en fantastisk dag

One more fantastic day! Aphrodites pool...
the water is extreme clear!

This is how the jettegryte were made!

We ended up on the same spot as yesterday, because the places we planed to anchor and go ashore where occupied by other boats and people who had started their sailing early in the morning. We left the dock at eleven o´clock! Back by sunset.

"The natural swimmingpool"
The ravines cross the island south /north and east/west like a puzzle!

And this week´s I heart Macro, was shot, seeds of this season are ready to be spread!

3 kommentarer:

  1. That water looks crystal clear; so inviting. Beautiful macro shot!

  2. all of your photos are glorious... the seeds amazing, may they spread far and wide, sowing beauty for next season. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro :-)

  3. Fantastisk närbild på fröna! De rundslipade klipporna är så fina. Ha en fin dag!


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