
fredag 26. juli 2013

Floral Love, Weekend Flowers, Today´s Flowers, i heart macro, Orange, You Glad It´s Friday

Today I present several challenges in one post in order to be so effective as possible.... in the summertime!

The flowers looks like lilies, but the plants are hosta!

11 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful pictures, wonderful details.

    Herding Cats

  2. So exquisite! I'm happy you'll be joining I Heart Macro this week... link opens at 8pm/EST Sat evening as usual.

  3. The flowers are lovely. This is the first time I've seen the orange visitor. Glad you decided to share it on oygif. Thanks for joining.

  4. Vackra närbilder. Man lägger kanske mera märke till bladen på hostan men blommorna är ju också riktigt fina.

  5. an interesting lily...ours look the same except for the buds.

  6. Wonderful images of the hosta blossoms!!! I love the one with the bee!!

  7. Gorgeous! Thank you so much for linking with Today's Flowers and wishing you a happy week :)

  8. lovely series! beautiful flower photos!

  9. Nydelige bilder, roser er skjønne og hostaliljene er så vakre! Fint at jeg kunne være til hjelp :)


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