
tirsdag 30. juli 2013

NF Blo-Ma

Noen av rosene har kommet seg og trives i varmen!

I dag er det litt skyggefullt , og dagene framover skal visstnok få litt skiftende vær. Det perfekte sommeren er nok over, kanskje!

mandag 29. juli 2013

NF Inspiring Photography 57 - Catching the light

This picture was taken on my Blogger´s Sunday Walk on Juli 21 st this Summer just before the end of our walk. The sun is shining through the birch wood . See the whole series on the very post.
Next Blogger´s Sunday walk will take place in the end of October, please join us!
The collective post here!

lørdag 27. juli 2013

Nå vet jeg det....

 Dette er en duftverbena, canadensis.

Dette er en duftreseda... ser det tydelig nå når blomstene er i ferd med å utvikle seg!
Se likheten tidligere...

Noen dager senere!

Sjekk alle variantene av verbena!
Og Gandularia

fredag 26. juli 2013

Floral Love, Weekend Flowers, Today´s Flowers, i heart macro, Orange, You Glad It´s Friday

Today I present several challenges in one post in order to be so effective as possible.... in the summertime!

The flowers looks like lilies, but the plants are hosta!

torsdag 25. juli 2013

Guides to all the Blogger´s Sunday Walk posts

Click all the photos!

Hilde had a walk near the coast of Østfold with the typical polished rocks and yellow granite. We have a large and diverse flora in the seaside. The water is nice to swim in thanks to the Golf stream licking our coast.

Birgitta visited an Old American Car festival representing old, fancy tractors as well. I lovely place for those who are interested in rolling objects.

Artisjokken and his family went for a ride on horseback and bicycle in their beautiful and charming surroundings in the Netherlands. Check up his creative transport yet on sketches!

Eldbjørg packed backpack and used arms and legs for a walk to a cairn, much bigger than the one on this photo. From the small cairn she could in the distance see the peak of Snøhetta which I probably should climb in the near future if weather permits!

Annemor experienced at lot on her tour. I picked up the photo of an interesting sculpture with a mask which has an imprint of the face - and you can imagine the elements which actually are inwards come outwards!

Emelie saw signs of a summer far reaching, apples grow large on trees. Moreover, it is easy to detect cases and stuff if you become aware of it. One hole after another was captured by her lens photo.

Wild Rose had company of her dog called Kalita looking at flowers and berries in the near hood on a lazy day!

Kleppanrova had the tour by bike with her husband near the banks of Mjøsa, the largest lake in Norway. They passed the famous paddle steamer Skiblander, the rail way museum and Furnes church among other points of interest. The scenery looks like south of Europe, but it is in the middle of the south of Norway!!

Christine walked on Mount Martha beach in the sun after a windy winter's day - she lives on the other side of the world!!! This is the path leading to the wonderful beach.

And Ege had an urban walk in Bergen City where she had an eye on waste and rubbish. Pretty scenes and beautiful prospects are disfigured by what people generally throws away - the packaging, plastic and scrap. BSW will now have a motto: 
Pick up the trash you find on the way walking and throw it in the nearest trash can. Let´s make a cleaner trip route.

Thank you for participating ;:OD)

NF Winged; Firvel

som svigermor kaller den. Dette er den første jeg har sett lande på de nye buskene. Måtte det komme mange, mange flere!

Buddleja Black Knight og Lochinch

onsdag 24. juli 2013

NF Abstract

Det har blitt en del slike bilder opp gjennom tida.... her under jakten på den orange sommerfuglen!

tirsdag 23. juli 2013

Blogger´s Sunday Walk; Summer; Jettegryter in Treungen

Søndag 21. Juli
Når vi først var på Lia, den gamle gården i Drangedal- kart 8, tok vi turen til Jettegrytene ved Treungen - kart vest for 33. Det er 25 år sida vi var der sist, og sønnene våre hadde da en  uforglemmelig dag. De bada i kulpene og skei i rennene som naturen sjøl har skapt. Vi var så å si helt alene der. Nå er den yngste sønnen far - og vi ville gjenoppleve de flotte omgivelsene og minnene.

Sunday July 21st
Staying at Lia, the old farm in Drangedal- map 8, we took a trip to Potholes near Treungen - map left for 33. 25 years has past since we visited the place last time, and our sons then had an unforgettable day. They had a swim in the pools and slides in the grooves that nature itself has created. We were virtually alone there. Now the youngest son has become a father himself - and we would relive the glorious memories.

Men sida den gangen har kjennskapet til dette naturens underverk blitt spredd gjennom ulike medier, og vi skjønte fort at vi ikke kom til å være alene denne gangen.

Knowledge of this natural wonder has been spread through various media during the last years, and we soon realized that we were not going to be alone this time.

Fjellblomstene satte ekstra farve på det grå fjellet. Over er krekling.

Mountain flowers  colored the gray mountains. Over the cranberries.

Et overblikk ... an overview!

Ikke rart at dette er moro!

No wonder -  this is fun!

Jeg tok et bad i mer fredelige omgivelser, og her er det herlig grov sandbunn!

I took a bath in more peaceful surroundings, and the little lake has the most lovely coarse sand bottom!

På tilbaketuren var det en avstikker innomblåbærskogen!

On the return trip I had a detour into blueberry woods!

Typisk blankskurt telemarksfjell, barske og robuste!

Typical burnished telemark mountains, rugged and durable!

Og hjemme ved dørhella ble vi ønska velkommen av denne karen!

And at home by the paving we were welcomed by this guy!

30 º i skyggen, 38º i sola!!
30 º in the shadow, 38º in the sun!!

Nå er jeg spent på å se hva slags turer andre bloggere har vært på... de vil bli presentert i en samlepost i løpet av uka. Det er også mulig å ta en kikk via kommentarfeltet.

Now I'm curious to see what kind of trips other bloggers have walked ... they will be presented in a collective post during the week. You might visit the participants via the comment window.