
mandag 27. mai 2013

Mandarin orange Monday; Fishing by the shore of the islands Søster

My husband had this kelp cod off the hook, weighing about 700 grams, and the fish tasted great for supper after a long and beautiful day in the boat at sea.

The two volcano island, Sister South and Sister North, are in the middle of the Oslofjord. They are  formed by the volcanic rock rombeporfyrkonglomerat. The islands are also characterized by a residual grass cuttings peninsula formed by wave erosion, called hoodoos. 

The south-facing areas of the islands have steep mountain sides that are a good settling point for nesting birds. The sides are covered by  Xanthoria parietina Islands grazed by sheep. The surrounding water contains among other interesting coral reefs and exciting soft grounds.

We planed to go on land, but stayed in the boat. Unfortunately I had brought with me only the macro lens!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Very nice and colorful photos !!

    Wondeful !

    Greetings from Berlin / Germany

  2. What a truly amazing sight! An orange fish mid air! And alive. I don't think i have ever seen a cod that wasn't dead and for sale in a shop. So lustrous and full of movement.
    Love the mountain sides too.
    Thanks for sharing on Mandarin Orange Monday:)


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