
onsdag 24. april 2013

A room with a sofa and a view

This is the office building of the premier FMV where large ships were built, now a part the university/college of Ostfold.

I´m dreaming....

ten years have passed.....

Visitors in the garden

The Robin

O Robin, sing !   for the secret of eternity is in song.
I wish I were as you, free from prisons and chains.
I wish I were as you; a soul flying over the valleys,
Sipping the light as wine is sipped from ethereal cups.
I wish I were as you, innocent, contented and happy
Ignoring the future and forgetting the past.
I wish I were as you in beauty, grace and elegance
With the wind spreading my wings for adornment by the dew.
I wish I were as you, a thought floating above the land
Pouring out my songs between the forest and the sky.
O Robin, sing !    and disperse my anxiety.
I listen to the voice within your voice that whispers in my inner ear. 

Kahlil Gibran

8 kommentarer:

  1. Heia, takk for koselig kommentar hos mæ.
    Joda , vi har det bra her i nord, koser mæ hvær dag med nye ting som våren bringer til oss.
    Har vært og gått en deilig lang tur i skogen idag, mildt og lett overskya vær.

    Ha en fin ettermiddag / kveld.

    Lisbeth ;)

  2. Om den daglige utsikten ikke er så veldig himmelsk, er det lov til å drømme seg vekk. Det gjør jeg ofte!

  3. Flotte bilder og drømmer skal man ha :)
    Ta det rolig, ingen overanstrengelser, takk :)

  4. Fantastic Himmelsk-photos!Have a nice day!

  5. Flot udsigt og lækker fugl ;-)

  6. Nydelige himmelbider, - flott!

  7. The skyline shot is awesome!!!


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