
tirsdag 6. desember 2011

Our World; Soria Moria

View from my sons' bedrooms on the second floor yesterday after noon!

Soria Moria Castle (Soria Moria slott) is a Norwegian fairy tale made famous by Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe in their classic Norske Folkeeventyr. Later Andrew Lang included the story in his series of fairy tale collections in The Red Fairy Book.

What you see in my photo is Fredrikstad lighted by law sunshine, far to the right new complex of apartments being built.

Soria Moria Castle is quite possibly the most well-known Norwegian folktale. The search for Soria Moria castle might be thought of as a progression, the symbol for perfect happiness. According to legend, the path to the castle is not clearly marked, and the journey is solitary because all people are different and therefore cannot reach the goal in the same manner. It is characteristic of most Norwegian folktales in that it contains a unique undertone of realism and folk humor. These folktales express many customary values, ideas, and characters. One of the most common values expressed is the idea of a common person rising above the circumstances of his birth and becoming successful.


2 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for sharing the Soria Moria fairytale. It's a Dream in all Norwegians, even the present 3-party Government:-)
    The December view over Fredrikstad is beautiful and tells as well how low the Sun is this time of year in Southern Norway.

  2. Fin utsikt over Fredrikstad, med solen ligger over som et rødoransje teppe :)


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