
fredag 21. oktober 2011

Himmelsk ved Pont Gard

Pont Gard ligger ikke så langt fra Nimes i Sør-Frankrike. Mirstralen gjorde besøket til en sur opplevelse til tross for at sola skinte fra blå himmel. Akvaduktene er blant de best bevarte fra romertida.

Pont Gard is not far from Nimes in southern France. The Mirstral made ​​the visit to a sour experience, even though the sun shone from a blue sky. This aqueduct is among the best preserved from the Roman time.

On UNESCO's list of World Wide Heritage

7 kommentarer:

  1. It has been very windy here in Ohio yesterday and today. It is also very wet and cold. The leaves are falling. The sky is a dark winter gray color. I can't seem to stay warm.

    I enjoyed my visit to your blog. It has been a while.

  2. I think I like the shot of the window with the sunglare the best, although looking straight up at the aqueduct, with the plants growing in it and the birds flying, is wonderful, too!!

  3. Himmelsk flot bidrag. Jeg ønsker dig en dejlig weekend. :-)

  4. Virkelig fine bilder. Får så lyst til å reise.

  5. Ja, den vinden har jeg hørt kan være kald!
    Må ha vært en fin opplevelse å se disse gamle kanalene likevel :)


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