
mandag 10. oktober 2011

Blogger's Sunday Walk; Yesterday

Blogger's Sunday Walk became a positive event, and here I like to present the bloggers who walked yesterday.  Please, click on the photos to see more sights and read more stories.
Over thirty have shown their interest! Some bloggers who had planned to walk, was unfortunately prevented by stormy weather. Still waiting for more bloggers of America to call!
The post will be continuously updated.
I hope to welcome for another Blogger's Sunday Walk in April, January to please by others 'art is jok(k)e(n)' and to let more people join both the virtually walking and walking in real .

First out was Ann Charlotte, from Skåne in Sweden, with a wonderful morning walk. Her post is called 'Några iakttakelser'.

She shares some evocative moments with us!

Next is Christine from Melbourne, Australia. Her post is called  'Sunday walk along Balcombe Creek to the Briars' 
I have chosen a photo of two kangaroos in the high grass to represent her walk.

And third, art is jok(k)e(n) from The Netherlands, took a tour with his wife, horse and bicycke
in the forest meeting sheep and a dog ... almost as we did... instead of sheep we saw cows.
Enjoy his wonderful collage of impressions!

Eldbjørg fikk en lang kommentar av meg på bloggen sin, men den forsvant da jeg skulle redigere en liten bokstav til stor. Jeg skriver så raskt, med to fingre, at det blir mange slurvefeil i teksten som må rettes opp i etterkant...
Aller først et bilde fra Eldbjorg spesielle tur: første gang på krykker - i årets første snøvær.
Jeg hadde jo bestil flott turvær, men værgudene var ikke på min side i dag....

Eldbjørg got a long comment from me on his blog, but it disappeared when I was editing a small letter to big. I write as fast with two fingers, there are many careless mistakes in the text that must be corrected in the aftermath ...

First a picture from Eldbjørg special trip: the first time on crutches - in the first snow this season.
I had ordered a great weather, but the 'weather god' was not on my side today ....

I have to continue in Norwegian caused the Norwegian pun!

Som du skrev aldri dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær. Du hadde litt av en utfordring i dag med å sko deg godt for anledningen. Med både ullsokker og plastikkpose ble saken biff!
Ved neste korsvei har du muligens lange planker under beina fordi art is jok(k)e(n) foreslår en Blogger's Sunday Walk vinterstid også. Jeg hadde imidlertid tenkt å invitere til en i April. En tur for hver årsid skulle kanskje passe?

Fortunately I didn't need my yellow 'sydves't today, but Museline from the west coast of Norway, did, indeed! Very sporty walking in the rain. The tour ended at Plantasjen where they sell all kinds of plants, garden tools.... and garden 'kitsj'. You can read my comments on her blog, but you have to translate it into your own language!

What Emilie form Piteå in north of Sweden doesn't know about herbs is not worth knowing, but she don't know the name of the blue flower she met on her city walk today (yesterday). Anybody knows?
And she has a funny story to tell about our habits coming back to the very site .... the churchyard!

Hilde  and I live not far from each other, but never met! Today we almost crashed into each other during the walk. I was half an hour earlier and about 100 m from where she was. You can see the same landscape and nature documented on our blogs, but she visited a place from the stone age, I'm from the bronze age!

'Wild Rose' had to work early this day and show us her way when the sun rises.

Vivi from Argentina was walking with her ​​daughter Olivia in the neighborhood of Buenos Aires. To their big surprise, they saw a woodpecker. This turned in to a magic moment!

Ja is a graphic designer and made an illustration with the tittle “Stop, look and listen” to express the Blogger's Sunday  Walk. This is the essentional point for the arrangement, to discover something on your way - something familiar as flowers you know or a quit new object!

Let me say as Stille Linde in her comment to your post: Wherever you'll go you have your heart, your talent, and your love with you and that is your home! It couldn't be told in a better way. Hope she accept my cutting. You have taken us far out to the coast of the ocean and deep into the highland discovering your new place to live that I now know, soon will be your former place! Where are you moving?

Susana writes in Spanish, and I have to translate the words into Norwegain to understand the text, but it is a pleasure only to look at the pictures, too. She was lucky to be offered during the tour a flower from the wild garden of an abandoned, but beautiful house near Los Quimbaletesof her companion. They loved the rain falling after a long period of dry. It is springtime!

Margit the owner of Malys Krok went to the forest with husband and dog!

And at last a photo from my walk.

Ida Julsen has a lot of nice pictures of waking tours here.
More photos from the prehistoric sites can be seen on Thursday, headline ABC-Scandinavia on my blog.
'art is jok(k)e(n)' would like to have a winter Blogger's Sunday Walk. Why not fulfill his wish in January?

This is also my submissions to this week's Mandagstema


19 kommentarer:

  1. hi!!
    I have just posted my pictures
    I have to thank you for inviting me; my daughter and I had a great time walking and taking pics.. and we even saw a woodpecker!!!!! in the middle of a city.. can you believe it?
    tell me if the blog is properly linked

  2. Så artig, nå må jeg snart på tur, på bena, skjønner jeg.

    Ha en fin mandag

  3. Flott oversikt, og kjempeartig at så mange ble med! Det er en super ide med en vintertur også :)
    Hehe, ja, jeg så vi hadde vært i samme område!

    Takk for jobben du har gjort med dette, Bjørg Nina!

    Ha en fin dag :)

  4. Yes, January would probably be better for me in Belgium. Yesterday was a non-stop rainy day.
    Lovely to see how you all had your autumn walk.

  5. Dejlige billeder fra din tur i går.. :-)
    Vi var også på tur, du kan se billeder her..

  6. Great idea this international Sunday Walk.
    Our Sunday Walk was very short: 30 seconds on the veranda in the Rain and Wind and 7 C.

  7. Kjempegøy å gå på tur sammen med mange andre under ulike forhold og unike opplevelser!

    Great to take a Sunday Walk with several others under different conditions and sharing ourexperiences!

  8. Skønne billeder...Jeg nåede desværre ikke at deltage, men måske næste gang. En super ide med disse gåture ;-)

  9. I just posted a few photos from my Sunday walk over on my blog. Sorry to be a little late with them (and with responding to your comment)! This is a lovely idea though... plus lots of walks are just the thing for me right now.

  10. Gracias por la invitación ,me gustó mucho participar!! Aquí el enlace para mi paseo de domingo:

    Un saludo y hasta pronto.

  11. Gleder meg til skituren i januar allerede :-) Ja, det blir nok mange skiturer da, men spesielt artig å gå med tanke på å dele opplevelsene med andre i et bloggprosjekt.
    Du har gjort en flott jobb, Bjørg Nina!
    Eldbjørg /

  12. Wonderful! Sorry I couldn't join in... LOTS going on here at RavenWood. Great to see all the Sunday walks, thanks for this!

  13. Indeed, what a great idea! I have seen many beauty pictures and I found some new blogs ! Thanks a lot, I really enjoy it!
    Hopefully in january more people join "our" walking club !!! :)

  14. Takk for flotte turer!
    En veldig god ide dette og jeg ser frem til neste søndagstur :)

  15. Ja, søndagen var jobb så det ble ingen tur men jag ser det var många som ble med dig ut. En kinasøte tror jag det är ..
    Ha det fint :)

  16. Tak for tilbudet om at være med på sunday walk, jeg har desværre ikke overskudet lige pt. Men følger gerne med fra sidelinjen. God weekend.

  17. This is a wonderful idea! I'd love to participate in January. :)


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