
mandag 22. august 2011

Ørnen svevde over oss


Det er sjeldent syn å se ørn kretse over Fredrikstad by, men det skjedde i dag. Lenge og lavt svevde den over oss ved gravlunden. Dessverre ble jeg så fascinert av den store rovfuglen at det tok litt tid før jeg fikk opp mobilen for å forevige den. Da hadde den selvfølgelig satt kursen vestover. Den kan såvidt anes litt til venstre for tårnet midt på himlen. Jeg kan ikke fri meg for at tankene gikk til gammel egyptisk såvel indiansk tro på ørnen som spirituelt sendebud.
The eagle is present across a range of beliefs or philosophies;
The Eagle represents spiritual protection, carries prayers, and brings strength, courage, wisdom, illumination of spirit, healing, creation, and a knowledge of magic. The eagle has an ability to see hidden spiritual truths, rising above the material to see the spiritual. The eagle has an ability to see the overall pattern, and the connection to spirit guides and teachers. The eagle represents great power and balance, dignity with grace, a connection with higher truths, intuition and a creative spirit grace achieved through knowledge and hard work.
The dictionary of scripture and myth, describes the eagle as;
A symbol of the holy spirit, which flies, as it were, through the mind (air) from the higher nature (heaven) to the lower nature (earth) and soars aloft to the self (sun).

Da vi kom hjem, ble vi møtt av tre store øyenstikkere. Dette har vært en dag helt utenom det vanlige!

Symbolism of Dragonflies

As a creature of the wind, the dragonlfy totem represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.
Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.
This is because in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states.
It also symbolizes rebirth and immortality.They also symbolize transformation and adaptation. When mating, dragonflies form a heart shape so they are also a symbol of love. They symbolize our ability to transform ourselves through a spiritual awakening. The dragonfly has a less than friendly reputation historically though. Some old European names for them are "devil's needle", "hobgoblin needle" and "water witch". Some strange tales evolved about dragonflies. In some places, they were believed to be able to sew eyes shut. In others, to puncture your eardrum if they got into your ears. All of these strange tales are untrue. So if you see a dragonfly in an unusual place or setting, it is probably a good symbol meaning luck, transformation, or spiritual awakening.


1 kommentar:

  1. Så spenennde ... skjønner godt at du ble så fasinert at du nesten glemte å fotografere! Øyenstikkere er flott, men jeg har til gode å få et skikkelig bilde. Er kanskje på feil sted med kameraet mitt :)

    Ha en fin dag!



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