
mandag 1. august 2011

"Sunshine Award"

Linda Hensley, illustrator and designer from Ohio, has given me a "Sunshine Award".  Thank you, Linda! I came in contact with Linda via Illustration Friday about a year ago. She was one of the participants that caught my attention because of her versatility, her honesty and humor. She looks serious in everything she does  - in her blog as well that's what appeal to me!

The rules for receiving the award:
- Thank the person who gave you the award.
- Write a post about it.
- Answer the questions below.
- Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them know.

The questions:
01. My favorite color: saffron yellow, just for visual experience
02. My favorite animal: cats
03. My favorite number: 7
04. My favorite non-alcoholic drink? black elderberry juice
05. I joined facebook, but not twitter
06. My passion: For this moment - my country and all nice people living here
07. Getting or giving presents? Seldom, if I give or get: I prefer self-made objects
08. My favorite pattern? zig zag
09. My favorite day of the week? Wednesday
10. My favorite flower? Magnolia, cause it is my flower in A Floral Calendar of Marie Angel...         and it is beautiful, smells wonderful, and it is full of culture

10 Favorite Bloggers:
My first blogfriend's blog: Mias Hage
Marias teater
Princesa Nadie
Kate in huset ved bekken 
Blue Bird's Nature Talks
Hilde in Fire-air-earth-water
Luzia with Luzias Artblog
Judi with Yew Tree Nights

and at last but not least Eldbjorg that I met some days ago in her home at Dombås on the way to Lofoten
Sansenes grenseland
And I have made an exception, I have given the Sunshine Award to an eleventh blogger.
Who? You might have the blog's name if the owner accepts the honor!

As you can see, in the comment window,  the blog's name is Illustration Poetry

8 kommentarer:

  1. Dear Vilt og Vakkert Nina! thank you for the kind present of a sunshine award! I am very happy to get back to be able to make more posting. The PC and myself were not feeling well, but it is starting to clear up.
    Yes that terrible event in beautiful Norway will ling around for a while.
    Love and hugs to you!!!!

  2. Mange takk, Bjørg Nina!
    Klem fra Eldbjørg

  3. Mange takk, Bjørg Nina!
    Klem fra Eldbjørg

  4. Oh, what a nice surprise! Thank you very much for this sunshine award:-)) Your images from the coast and Lofoten are a dream! Hugs from Luzia.

  5. YAAAYYYY!!!!!

    you made me happy!!!!!!:D

  6. Thank you very much! I am very honoured to be among the blogs you've chosen; what a lovely surprise!

  7. Tack kära du :) Jag borde väl varit först ut med tacken men en aldrig så liten tur till Mallorca kom i vägen...


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