
søndag 13. mars 2011

IF; Stir

This week's topic is "Stir" suggested by Susan Sorrell Hil (

"Big dreams create the magic that stir men's souls to greatness." ~Bill McCartney

I had really trouble figuring out what scene to post for this week's topic and illustration.
The idea struck me: I had an old student work placed in the attic. I brought it downstairs. The frame and glass were full of dirt, and the passe par-tout was covered with mold here and there. Fortunately, no damage to the actual graphic work. Strange to see how time has left its mark on my work, and good to know it still has a mission!
Art is never out of date!

The picture is mixed media, a combination of cut-outs, mono print and collage!

1 kommentar:

Hyggelig at du tar deg tid til å legge igjen en hilsen.
Det setter jeg veldig pris på!
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