
tirsdag 1. februar 2011

IF; Surrender


This week's topic is "surrender" suggested by Susan Sorrell Hill (

"Art is nothing but the expression of our dream; the more we surrender to it the closer we get to the inner truth of things, our dream-life, the true life that scorns questions and does not see them." ~ Franz Marc

To be present at a puppet show for adults is a strange experience. The first time I was so smitten that I could not remember that I had felt such a fascination before.
The puppet's magic, the atmosphere, the excitement in the air was remarkable, so delicious, so spectacular.
I was so touched that this turned out to be a covenant for eternity. Surrender....

I do not remember what the play was called or anything from the story, but the scene with a puppet swimming in a wild sea of silk fabric is attached to the retina.

Some years later I started my education in drama with a graduation in puppet theater. Then I was employed by The Norwegian Puppet Theater Academy for some time.

Sunday I watched Baby Universe a Puppet Odyssey, a Wakka Wakka production:

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg tenkte umiddelbart på diktet IF.

    Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk denne gangen? Er det jeg som ikke henger med i svingene?


  2. I love the idea of a wild sea of silk fabric!!
    You used beautiful light in your image - the story and image brings your imagination alive :)

  3. Either I'm getting way behind, or you're posting faster than I can keep up! You were right, I love your sheep. Love your description of the puppet theater too. It goes so well with your illustration. Glad you're happy with new glasses, and love the photos too!

  4. Nice how you link 'Surrender' to the magic of the puppet theatre. We know from Vienna how the Salzburg Puppet Theatre is appreciated by kids and their parents. It is so lovely, you are right.


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