
onsdag 8. desember 2010

IF; Prehistoric


This week's topic is "Prehistoric" suggested by Liz Adams (
Drawing is still basically the same as it has been since prehistoric times. It brings together man and the world. It lives through magic. ~ Keith Haring

I spent some days in Arles this week and visited the old amfi-theatre there. The guide told us that the steps were full of shells from prehistoric times since the stones were cut from a place which had been under water. May be they painted the horses and deers and other animals in the caves of France at that time. Who knows?

Feet which have been walking up and down during the building's past  - and still - have cut down the surface in the course of time, and the seabed has appeared.

The shell between the legs is real, the others are made in Flash.

1 kommentar:

  1. Stilig bilde!
    Takk for kommentar, og vekommen tilbake. Heldige dere som reiser så mye. Ser ut som dere har hatt en opplevelsesrik tur :)

    For en fantastisk bygning amfi-teateret er!


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