
tirsdag 28. september 2010

IF; Old Fashioned


Technique/materials: Mixed drawing /digital finish
Title: Back to 1872

This week's topic is "Old-fashioned" suggested by Susan Sorrell Hill (

It's that wonderful old-fashioned idea that others come first and you come second. This was the whole ethic by which I was brought up. Others matter more than you do, so 'don't fuss, dear; get on with it.' ~ Audrey Hepburn

History repeats itself, fashion comes and fashion goes ... and what is in today, is out tomorrow.
One style, I believe, which will never come back, is the dress from 1872 with what we in Norway call "que".
I've drawn a young girl with cap anno 2010, with an iPod in her hand, dressed like in 1872. It seems so completely out of place ... but who knows, maybe it will just be the latest thing or will the dress forever be old fashioned!
Fashion is as everyone knows, rarely practical.

Historien gjentar seg, moter kommer og moter går...  og hva som er inn i dag, er ut i morgen.
En stil vil jeg tro, vil aldri komme tilbake, kjolen fra 1872 med hva vi i Norge kaller "kø" .
Jeg har prøvd å forestille meg en ung jente med lue anno 2010 og med Ipod i hånda. Det virker så helt malplassert... men hvem vet, kanskje nettopp det vil bli siste skrik eller vil det for alltid bli umoderne!
Moten er som alle vet, sjelden fornuftig.

PS. Den lua som er så moderne nå, minner meg faktisk om hårnettet som var moderne på 1870-tallet. DS.

More "Old Fashioned" at

2 kommentarer:

  1. Agree, this fashion with a Que, will propably never come back. Not very practical these days;-)

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  2. Hahaha! That is delightful! Love the iPod in her hand. I certainly do NOT hope that fashion comes back. Although....I could hide a lot of useful things under that skirt, I'm sure. :)


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