
lørdag 31. juli 2010

IF; Artifichial

"Ikke alt som glitrer er gull!"
A Norwegian proverb says that "Everything that glitters is not gold!"

"Ce n'est pas une pipe"...... all who know René Magritte, know what I mean!
I made this "artificihial" in water colors to use it as a button to all my local cultural posts. The original is actually a small piece of art in gold. It's called a brakteat, originally from the Iron Age and are found just a few miles from where I live, called Bingedammen.
What is interesting is that the design has some global pattern. We find similar expressions in Canada, in the Mexico/Central America and several locations in Asia/Pasific islands. There is no doubt that our visual culture back in time have the essence in common, wherever we come from in this world.

This is a picture of the original:

Check out more information about these ancient obejcts here:

Sally Taylor has this defination:
Noen synonymer for artifichial er: menneskeskapte, kunstig, dvs ikke den ekte varen, sluhet/list (? her må det være feil oversettelse), imitasjon, uekte. Mennesket har  imitert naturen i svært lang tid ..... 
Og jeg føyer til i denne sammenhengen, etterlikning, erstatning og avbilding.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Se det ja, synes det var kjempefint uten ramme.
    Jeg tror det blir noe kluss når jeg holder på med et innlegg og trykker publiser istedet for lagre.
    Klem :o)

  2. Hello!
    Very nice work and idea for the topic!
    I love old artifacts and ancient motifs...we definitely have that as a common interest! :)

    Your blog is very interesting and I enjoyed browsing through it!I especially liked your photographs!I just wish I could understand some Norwegian! ;)
    Thank you for your visit at my blog!
    Be well!

  3. Hello there! This is a nicely detailed work, with an interesting read to accompany it.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog, you were kind with your words. :)

  4. This is a beautiful illustration of a beautiful object. It is very nice to have contact with another art teacher from so far away. I am glad my synonyms for artificial were helpful to you and I am flattered that you translated my comment for your Norwegian readers. I look forward to visiting your blog often.

  5. Beautifully painted,love your interpretation of the topic :)

  6. Very interesting! It is fascinating and encouraging to see how art connects cultures around the globe. Nice!

  7. Hi Biorg (or Nina??),

    Your compliments on my words and art for this week's Illustration Friday: artificial are much appreciated... thank you!

    That's a beautiful illustration on your blog masthead... I'm thinking you painted it??

    Best wishes,
    Susan Sorrell Hill

    On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Bjørg Nina Andersen Lia wrote:


    Yes, I painted the heading for my one year anniversary this May inspirated by two art neauveau painters. I have just now forgotten their names, but they are mention on the blog somewhere!
    Nice to hear form you;:OD)

    Beste hilsen Bjoerg (pronunciation) Nina.
    I have written about my name too!

  8. I like this very much, and like the lesson that goes with it too.


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