
fredag 28. mai 2010

The most important thing in life

"Det viktigste i livet er å lære å gi kjærlighet, og å la den komme i".

 "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in".
Morrie Schwartz

This is the invitation for the wedding of my sister's son and  his wife in Tallin 2003, and they have soon been married for seven years!

Check out this post, too:  Love is in the air!

More posts can be read at

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi, A good thing the celebration of true love.
    Peter and I have celebrated our 50. wedding anniversary...haha a long time ago in a way. perhaps you want to have a peek. Best wishes for the couple and you. t.


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