
torsdag 28. januar 2010

Himmelkikk, Glomma


Where on earth:
longitude E11.2, latitude N60.9
11:15 local time at 26.01.2010, twelve below zero
16:05 local time at 28.01.2010, zero

The river Glomma was totally frozen on Tuesday. Yesterday it was open again, because we got a jump in temperature due to the storm Ask that ravaged the country, but tomorrow the cold will come back. And it is reported snow! May be the view will be similary to Tuesday.


4 kommentarer:

  1. Continue to be amazed by this place. Wonderful light, looks like the picture is painted. Would give so much to be there, instead of here. A wonderful Thursday for all of you.

  2. Det ser skikkelig iskaldt ut! Nydelig bilde, fint med konturene av sola bak skyene :)

  3. Those are the perfect shots of winter! And it does look cold!! Lovely captures and reflections! Have a great weekend and stay warm!!



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