
tirsdag 3. mai 2011

IF; Lesson

This week's topic is "Lesson" suggested by Susan Sorrell Hill (

"But the ultimate lesson is just sit down and write. That's all." ~ Wole Soyinka
(or draw, as it were...)

In 2005 I visited Rome and saw one of Leoanrdo's notebooks, impressing! He always had a notebook and a pencil in his pocket. And the studies of his studying is never ending, specially his lessons in the laws of perspective.

Once upon a time I had a student whose name is Restiel who made this pastel, and the scene says that the lesson is occasionally to take a break from the lessons. I met her last Sunday and told her my thoughts about the pastel.

Here's the photo of the background I have used. It is a sheet of marbling paper made many years ago. Scaled! For this purpose: Image> Ajustments> Huge/Saturation in Photoshop and transparent layer or lightened in Brightness - can' t remember!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hello! That is a great lesson! I need to learn from you and Leonardo, because it is the only way to get better at drawing. I like your gentleman with his great big pile of sketchbooks! I like his nose and his ears. :) And the pastel is wonderful! You must have been an excellent teacher for your student to produce such work.

  2. The colours, the intensity of the character's expression, and the way you've placed the different elements in the composition all work so well.

  3. I agree with Bella and Susan. Your students were lucky to have you!

  4. is the gentleman drawn on marbled paper? It's very beautiful. And the pastel has a lovely rainy-day atmostphere.
    Lycko dig som sett Leonardos anteckningar med egan ögon!

  5. Hello! I agree, life is for learning! And I always learn something new when I visit your blog! Good lessons this week! :o)


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